[C] [N/A] Dark Dominion
Soul Reaping: 5+1
Death Magic: 11+3+1
Blood Magic: 11+1
Shadow Arts: 7
Animate Flesh Golem, 15e 3 30s *elite
Exploit nearest corpse to animate a level 26 Flesh Golem. Flesh Golem leaves an exploitable corpse. You can only have one Flesh Golem at a time.
Dark Bond, 5e 2 20s
For the next 54 seconds, whenever you receive damage, your closest minion suffers 75% of that damage for you.
Dark Aura, 10e 1 10s
For 30 seconds, whenever target ally sacrifices Health, Dark Aura deals 50 shadow damage to adjacent foes, and you lose 20 Health.
Touch of Agony, 5e 1 3s
Sacrifice 10% max Health. Target touched foe takes 50 shadow damage.
Wallow's Bite, 5e 1 3s
Sacrifice 10% max Health. Target touched foe takes 50 shadow damage.
Taste of Pain, 5e 1/4 10s
If target foe is below 50% Health, you gain 150 Health.
Caltrops, 10e 1/4 20s
Target foe and all foes adjacent to your target are Crippled for 10 seconds. Caltrops has half the normal range.
Rez Sig
This is a new take on the old Dark Aura Bomber for the Random Arena. The new Factions skillset gave us quite a few new skills to work with, including a double of Touch of Agony. Flesh Golem is a beast, capable of taking and dishing a significant amount of damage- this build takes advantage of both aspects, using Dark Bond to redirect 75% of all damage to the Golem. Dark Aura adds 50 AOE damage every time you use Touch of Agony or its duplicate (which also do 50 damage), hitting for a total of 100 if the enemy doesn't kite out of Aura's range. Caltrops applies a 10 second cripple in a small AOE, and refreshes every 20 seconds. Taste of Pain is a nice self heal, and with the damage output of this build it shouldn't be too difficult to lay out enough hurt to meet the condition, even by yourself.